Welcome to Cashtree.
Cashtree is an online platform where you can work and earn money.
Let’s see how you can earn money.
First of all, you have to login in through Facebook.
After logging in you can see your account.
The dashboard shows your available balance, which is whatever work you have done.
If the available balance exceeds over $5 you can see it in the available withdrawn, because after you gained $5, you can withdraw that amount.
You can also see your total withdraw
Now, we can see how you could do work
Go to task then my new task
On the my new task page, you can see work
By sharing and posting the links provided, you can earn a certain amount of money as you could see here
You can share the link on facebook by clicking on the post to facebook button over here
This leads you to this page, make sure you select the public option for who can see my post option
Then click on the post to facebook button there
You have to provide evidence that you have done the task by submitting a post url
To do this, you open your facebook account
Go to your profile and then you will be able to see the link you have just posted from Cashtree. Click on the post and copy the link (url) then paste it into the submit post url.
You have completed your first task!
You have to keep the post for at least 24 hours
If you remove the post before then, then you will not be able to earn money
After 24 hours, you will have been granted the money.
You could check this by checking the dashboard
If your available withdrawn balance is above $5 dollars then you can withdraw that money by clicking on the withdraw button below
This opens up, and you jut need to enter either your PayPal details or your bank detail
Afterwards, you just need to click on the process button and its is completed!
This is how you use cashtree to earn money. Thank you
How to work & earn on cash trees?